Sunday, January 22, 2012

Admiration for Joe

          It's not hard to imagine what my post will be about on this day. Today in college football  we lost one of the greatest, if not the greatest, coach in college football. I have always been a fan of Joe Paterno and Penn State. He reminded me a lot of my Grandfather Pap. Joe Pa was a man of class, a man of intelligence, and a man of integrity. It broke my heart to have to watch everything this man was put through back in November. Everyone will always remember Joe Pa. I have just always thought he was an adorable man with his glasses, black cleats, rolled up kakis, and his Penn State windbreaker. Everyone please keep his wife, children, grandchildren, friends, and the rest of his family in your prayers. I thought I would end this post with some great pictures of Joe Pa.

I love this cartoon that my uncle showed me on Facebook.

R.I.P Joe Pa 1926-2012

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