Thursday, January 5, 2012

The 34th Anderson Debutante Ball

          I have been majorly MIA for these last couple of weeks. But, everyone knows how it is around Christmas. All my family was in town, my boyfriend was in town, and I had my Debutante Ball four days after Christmas. The Debutante Ball was such a special night for my family and me. It was a night we will all never forget. That is what I wanted to dedicated this blog post to.

My family and Me

My cousin Andrew who was my Escort

Andrew and Me again

Andrew, My brother, Will, and Me at Rehearsal

Rehearsal again

I can't believe how big my baby bro is

Will and Me

Daddy and Me

Will, Dad, and Me

Dad and Me again

Dorothy and Me

Dot, Mom, and Me

My cousin, Elizabeth, Andrew, and Me

My Escort and Marshal were the best lookin'


Mama and Me

I cut out a piece of my Grandfather's flannel shirt and sewed it into the train of my dress. My Grandfather, Pap, passed away almost 7 years ago, and I wanted to honor him on this night.

Willie and Me :)

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