Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Life Lately...

         I realize that I have not posted ANYTHING since January! But, I thought I would give an update on what has been going on in my life lately. I will be finishing up my Sophomore year of college in less than THREE weeks! College is going by so fast, it is scaring me a little bit. I am currently pursuing a degree in Kinesiology. It IS the best! I seriously cannot get enough of the core classes for my major! The top questions people ask me all the time are: 1) What is Kinesiology? and 2) What are you planning to do with that degree? I decided I would take to my blog and answer these two questions. Kinesiology is defined as the study of human movement. This can be ANY human movement, it is not just related to sports. Once I graduate, I plan on continuing with school to receive my Physical Therapist Assistant degree. After completion of my assistant degree, I plan on working as an assistant while I (hopefully) work towards my Doctorate of Physical Therapy. 

          Of course, I cannot go without mentioning college football :) Which team are you most excited about watching this upcoming college football season?